September 19, 2016

What Would You Lose If You Won't Start Investing Today?

Did you already miss a big opportunity? A promotion, perhaps! I did... A countless times. How did I feel? Devastated! Many times, opportunities get on our way, in disguise. Sometimes, we don't see it coming, it only passed by us. It knocks once and never goes back.

Then, we only regret! "If only I can turn back time..."

''The Story of an Eagle with a Chicken-Mind"

There was an eagle-egg mixed with the hen's eggs. The mother hen thought it's one of her eggs, regardless of its size, hatched the egg.

The eaglet seeing the hen for the first time, thought, she was her mom.

 The eaglet grew bigger and bigger after few days. Many years passed, he became a huge bird, the biggest in the clan. Despite his gigantic size, he was always bullied. His siblings and friends always made fun of him. "You're not one of us", "You're abnormal", "You're fat, you're ugly!" Ouch!

 Hurt by their words, He wondered why he seems to be different from others.

Mom, " Why am I different?", a downcast  eagle-kid, asked the mother hen... " Son, You may look different but you are a chicken". You are a 100% chicken, believe that in your heart!

One fine day, while they were searching for worms in the forest. They saw something in the sky. A mighty bird  gliding in the sky. They all stood in awe. That was his first time to see an amazing creature, freely flying in the air. "I hope I can be like that bird", he said. "Someday, I can fly". As his siblings overheard him, all interrupted, Mister wake up! We are chicken, we only live by worms.

"Isang kahig, Isang tuka lang tayo, ganern!" That's how we live life, stop dreaming dude!

That sight haunts him everyday. He has the desire to fly. He longs that one day, there will be no limit. He wants to be like that eagle even only in dreams. Many times he tried to fly but he has been just scared. Too scared to try, he can only say; "I'm just a chicken and chicken don't fly"

 Then a tragic day came, the eagle with a chicken-mind, died in an accident! That's was so heart-breaking...

He doesn't even have a single chance to know himself. He doesn't even tried to do what he's capable of! He missed a great opportunity!

I dont like his story to be the ending of my story...

I want it  it the other way! I'm sure you dont want that too...

We all want to have a good story to tell...

Being a finance advocate, I encountered many people who showed their interest to invest in the Stock Market; but only few would really be brave enough to take the step and go the extra mile. They would prefer to go to get-rich quick schemes and fall into scams.

I heard them saying;

 Stock Market? What? It's only for the rich and for billionaires!

or I can't wait that long!

Surely you will lose your money in Stocks!

They sounded like chicken, and chicken dont fly!

Simply the're missing something great!

I met a 65  year-old lolo who was asking help on what type of investment he can do with his money because he wants it to grow. I just told him the options were just very little considering his age. He told me, it was his greatest regret in life. He took it for granted when he was younger and now he's losing his time.

Why is time so important?

 T- he longer the years, the higher the return.
 I- nvestments needs patience to grow and to multiply.
M-oney is a good slave, when it works,it never sleeps.Give it a decade & it will go back a  million. 
E-xponential growth through compounding interest has long been proven.

What is Compounding Interest? What's in it for you?

Albert Einstein said,"Compound interest is the eight wonder of the world, he who understands, earns it, he who doesn't, pays it ".

According to investopedia,"Compound interest can be thought of as “interest on interest,” and will make a deposit or loan grow at a faster rate than simple interest, which is interest calculated only on the principal amount".
credit to the owner
Now I realized, why my father always told me when I was young. " The rich will only gets richer"! Money multiply on its own when it's place in the right place. It can grow exponentially! Gokongwei, Henry Sy, and Ayala have something in common; and that's how they made their money work for them. It is not a secret at all!

When I got to know how Stock Market works, I never let it pass. I became obsessed with it! Until now, I'm still amazed how it can grow what you have right now. Even how small the amount is, if you will consistently invest, it will grow to millions over the period of time!

Now, you are still young, you still have the time and you still have an income.

Dont be like that scared eagle or that 65 year old lolo!

Life is a race and you have to choose the right road.

I'm choosing mine...

" See you in the finish line!"

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