"I'll surely buy iphone 6", said by one commuter.
" I'll buy flat screen, no way, I'll treat myself at Vikings" said the other...
There's nothing wrong with their statements, I've also been hearing it in our office while 2016 is coming to a close. It goes without saying, bonuses are freely-given by the company for us to utilize it wisely. However, we need to learn good stewardship or else be gone with the wind.
I've learned a life-long practice and I'm confident that this would work for you too. Up to this time, those bonuses are still on hand because I put it on asset classes that are appreciating over the years and I'm happy with the returns.
I can still remember when I was in college and one of my classmates who have a gadget's shop, sold his Nokia phone which was before a status symbol telling me that owning it is a very good investment. So I took his words for it and used my scholarship's fund to have that phone without even knowing the real purpose. At first, I got my friends admired my new gadget like owning a chihuahua and I was bathed with appreciation. After few years, that phone became obsolete and it ended up kept in the drawer.
Assets- something that appreciates in value overtime, mostly through compounding interest
This is my most favorite part that many people hate. There has been many misconceptions about investments and others even identify it as scam. While others are interested, they don't like the idea that they need to wait for many years to take advantage of the benefits.
Younger Millennials are not use to waiting and many of us want to have it in an instant. Walang ganun! The only way to maximize and keep your money is to park it in a good asset class. If you want to have lasting assets, you need to work it out diligently.
example: investments, business, income streams
Paying your debts
One of my readers sent me a message that once she will receive the 13th month pay this year, she will commit it to pay for her credit card debt other than thinking of gadgets or luxuries. What a wise decision!
I've wrote multiple articles on dealing with debts that you can check out on my blog archives. In my previous blog Life After Debt: Should I Pay My Debts First Before Investing?, I highlighted there that to settle your debt is already a form of investment for yourself. You cant fix your financial life not unless everything is all set in order properly.
Building your Emergency Fund
The concept of emergency fund is to save it for future use such as emergencies and unexpected occurrences. The fund should be good for 3-6 months and should remain liquid. That means you can use it anytime you need it.
I just realized nowadays how important it is to have best gadgets when I'm already engaged into trading and blogging and doing vlogging project for next year. Having best equipment is always a very good advantage. Since everything is almost online nowadays, best specs should be considered and taken seriously. If you have good gadgets, you can maximize doing online jobs and do digital marketing.
Increasing your Skills
If you really want to learn new skills or bring your skill to the next level, I would advise to attend from these best speakers/organizers. I knew some of them who are conducting regular seminars that you can signed up. Just a disclaimer, I'm not affiliated to any of them.
- TGFI (The Global Filipino Investors)
Spearheaded by Personal Finance Advocate Floi Wycoco, their excellent team is moving from places to spread financial literacy and business ideas. They are also conducting webinars for start up businesses, investments, and often inviting speakers who are leaders in their different fields.
- Randell Tiongson's Icon Conference
This is a yearly conference and I attended last year and it was a blast. You will get to meet and hear from best mentors and Registered Financial Planners in the country today such as Efren Reyes, Marvin Germo, Randell Tiongson himself, Francis Kong,a and many others. Things that you will bring home are bytes of learning in finance and investing. If you don't have any idea in investing, after you attend this you will surely be on fire!
- Marvin Germo's Stock Smart
He is the sought after speaker for both investing and trading around the world. He has also written best-selling books. Do not miss his seminars around the country and learn investing the easy way.
- Nikki Yu's Bookaka Seminars
For those experienced investors and traders, you can also attend their seminars for free for premium subscribers. What I like about this group is that they are sharing their passion and knowledge about trading and often invite speakers that are successful traders.
- Caylum Trading Institute
You can maximize your profit in the Stock Market by trading but it takes a lot of effort and dedication or else you will be eaten alive by the market or you will be strayed by hypes. You can enroll in their course as you hone your skill in trading stocks.
On my bucketlist this year and on 2017, I'm setting aside funds to enroll seminars/conference on stocks trading, foreign exchange, foreign stocks investing, SEO, Digital/Online Marketing and book writing. You cant be wrong in learning new skills and you can get the benefits in the long run.
Building a start-up Business
Acquiring good Investments
I've been in the Stock Market for a while now and all I can see are good things which are happening in my investments even the market is volatile. Stocks has always been my first love. When I started to invest in the Stock Market, that was also the same time that I began to realize the importance of financial education.
If you are going to start investing this time around, this is very timely for you since we are expecting factors that can cause the market to go down further. It would be a great opportunity for you to buy stocks in bargain more than you experienced in the shopping mall.
You can start shopping good stocks like Ayala Land (ALI), Banco De Oro (BDO), First Gen Corp. (FGEN), and many more...You can also read my blog Investing in the Stock Market the Lazy Way to spot and pick best stocks to keep and hold for long-term.
Usually, you just need to start 5,000 pesos and you can top-up in your convenience. You will also have a license fund manager (which is also an advantage), that will take care of your money and will invest it in stocks, real estate and bonds.
Philequity Fund, Inc. is a big player, top Mutual Fund in the country that has been performing well with 12.86% 10-year annual return. You can sleep while your money is working for you.
For those who are interested, please contact me: 09369280089 or shoot me an email: palengkekid@gmail.com...
While stocks and mutual funds has been popular investments that Filipinos are engaged in, this is another option that you can choose.
Variable life insurance (or VUL) is a product you can consider if you need both insurance and investment. VUL will give you insurance benefits but it will also have a fund that is being invested according to your objectives, risk profile and other preferences. If there are already people depending on your income, you should get a life insurance policy.
But if your sole objective is purely investing, then this may not be the right instrument for you at this time, because in the first couple of years of your policy, most of your money will actually go toward premium payments. Read more: Mutual Funds, VUL, UITF or Stocks?
Read more: Mutual Funds, VUL, UITF, or Stocks?
Read more: 5 Smart Reasons to invest in Bonds.
Getting Insurance Policy
Although I prefer to talk to a Registered Financial Planner who doesn't have bias in providing with insurance policies, it is wise to shop around and talk to insurance agents on any policies that you can compare with and will fit your needs.
You can also read some related Articles:
What it Takes to Build Your Emergency Fund
6 Reasons Why are still not saving
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