October 14, 2016

My First Investment Lesson at 11 Years Old. Find Out...

What you'll do today will have an impact  in your life 10 years from now! 

I did not expect that growing up in our farm will become my edge today and  a small act can teach me  investing lesson early in life. 

When I was  in Grade school, we were asked to write an essay about our unforgettable experience from the previous summer. After we have finished writing, Everyone should recite it in front of the class.

"We went to Boracay", one classmate proudly said.

"We went to Enchanted Kingdom," said the other.

When my turn finally came, I stood up with excitement. I told the class about the durian trees I planted that summer. I saw it in the hallway and convinced our  kapitan that we will just  plant it in our vacant lot. He agreed since they're just excess from previous project. We planted 40-50 healthy seedlings together with my mama. That was our vacation and that was our family bonding!

I love planting because I spend most of my life in the farm.

I was excited, telling myself, " Soon, people will look up on the fruits of my durians." That was for me a young but awesome accomplishment! I was so proud of it...

Then, suddenly the teacher interrupted and corrected me. She asked me to tell something else, like a vacation somewhere. Feeling embarrassed, I then  saw my classmates laughing. That time, I knew, it was not appreciated! But, for me, that was so valuable.

Few years passed, things have changed. Now my durians have already became fruit-bearing trees! They now became the darling of our farm! When it bear  fruits, my durians are "talk of the town". They have become celebrity for all Durian-lovers like me. On the top of that, I was also able to get a good profit out of it every year. It's a living proof not to despise small beginnings.

 It was a good investment from that little farm boy!

From then on, I understood the principle of investing. The heart of an investor has born in me. Those small durians have taught me something...

There's a season to plant and a season to harvest.

There's a time for toil and a time for dancing.

Good things will come to those who wait!

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